
Discover the enchanting attractions!

Suske en Wiske: De Razende Race

Bob et Bobette: Le Cascadeur Casse-Cou

Who will be the first to reach the finish?
De Bumbamolen

Bumba's Merry-Go-Round

Jommeke Carrousel

Jommeke Carousel

K3 Disco Cars

K3 Disco Cars

Lucky Luke Express

Lucky Luke Express

Maya's Speeltuin

Maya's Playground

Storm op Zee

Storm At Sea

Super Wings

Super Wings

De Vliegende Fietsen

The Flying Bikes

Het Smurfenavontuur

The Smurfs' Adventure

Tollembeek Tour

Tollembeek Tour

Wickie's Valtoren

Wickie's Falling Tower

Willy's Ballenbad

Willy's Ball Bath